Carles Folch here, this week I’ll explain our experience in the BGW 2018.
We went to Barcelona Games World because we had the opportunity to meet with various videogame companies through the matchmaking program that took place within the fair.
We are really pleased with how the meetings went; the feedback, advice and all the possible synergies encouraged us with even more motivation!
Also we made some good networking in the the Indie area: we met Baby Robot Games, the Game Forger, Distorsion Games and more.
It’s always nice to meet with other developers and exchange a couple of words with them!
And everything went really well in the matchmaking zone. Meeting and talking to some of the companies was crazy stuff, high quality feedback right there; we achieved what we thought was at first impossible, once again.
Now we finish a stage and begin a new one, and it’s time to let go of past things and create new ones, life is just like a complex iterative design, I guess.
But we’ll never forget the essence of what makes us what we are, we’ll never forget our origins, we remain strong with passion and ambition.
Cygnus Void is evolving and now we are ready for new horizons.
Oh, and we met some hardcore sci-fi geeks like us too, right, Isaac?
In the end we enjoyed some japanese food too, which was well deserved after spending more than 10 hours in very stressful and impotant meetings. Besides, our man Andreu can’t think with an empty stomach.
Stay tuned because this is only the beginning.